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Toolkit Interlife: chiave per un cambiamento globale ed un futuro più equo

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Interlife Toolkit system as unique and innovative development model for transformational change in social, economic and institutional frame toward equity.

The key-issues we address are the negative consequences of inequalities, i.e. poverty, malnutrition, discrimination of all kinds, exploitation, lack of educational opportunities, health, food, work, and many others peculiar of extremely disadvantaged contexts, primarily in India and Africa.

We aim at bringing a total change by intervening at the roots causes of such problems with a bold and strong solution, our Toolkit Interlife: an unique and innovative development model. It is a comprehensive program that offers opportunities for total change (social, economic and institutional) and promoting endogenous, self-sustainable and self-replicable impact, e.g. food, economic, social security, fair and equal opportunities to the most vulnerable people, in particular children, women, persons with disabilities and any victim of discrimination.

Our anticipated, outcome and achievements include: community empowerment and participation; skills building, shifts in policies, processes and institutions; wider and fairer access to a broad range of services and socio-economical opportunities for more than 150.000 people in 5 Countries, where children, families, and communities can thrive and inequality is offset.

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