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Fantini Cosmi e Interlife
in Costa d'Avorio


Avvio di 70 Toolkit Interlife nella zona di "Bouna" in Costa D'Avorio

The Fantini Cosmi 90 years initiative is a project with which the company wants to celebrate its 90 years of existence.

It has decided to do so with a symbolic gesture, a donation to who truly needs to be comforted.  We will finance 70 agricultural Toolkits for the cultivation of cassava, a local staple product.

What does it entail?

We will support 70 families in starting-up an ecologically sustainable agricultural activity in the Ivory Coast, specifically in Bouna District, in the Department of Bounkani.  Each of these families will receive seeds, equipment, vocational training and basic knowledge of marketing in order to start-up and develop the cultivation of cassava, based on the principle of ecological sustainability and compatible with local traditions. Once the activity is launched, those same small farmers will “coach” and will in turn help a further 35 families 70?  in need. Through the replicability of the Interlife Toolkit, Fantini-Cosmi will support  70 families 140? in the start-up of a small farm activity based on principles of ecological sustainability and solidarity, to restore their dignity, which comes from work and self-reliance.



Toll-free number: 800.964.062

IBAN: IT59N0501801600000011502119 

Your 5x1000 for Interlife Onlus F.C. 07988580960

Postal Order made out to 'Interlife Onlus' on bank account number : 1020009146

Via Pastrengo, 14, 20159, Milan (MI)

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