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Softphone and Interlife

in Ivory Coast


Opportunità concrete di sicurezza alimentare e benessere
a centinaia di giovani e alle loro famiglie in Costa d'Avorio

Thanks to SoftPhone’s donation we have distributed 170 Toolkits and helped 850 people in Africa.

Innovation, empowerment, optimisation of resources and an improvement of the experience are aspects which associate the work of Softphone and Interlife, which through its Toolkits offers growth opportunities related to training, work and relationships to people living in extremely vulnerable conditions. 

 Interlife has been operating in Africa since 2016, specifically in the Ivory Coast and in Burkina Faso, with two ministry-financed projects, to offer to approximately 4,000 unemployed youth between the ages of 16 and 40, more than 4,000 Interlife Toolkits capable of creating real work and personal and economic well-being opportunities for thousands of families.

The collaboration between SoftPhone and Interlife has fitted in the context of a project of the Italian Home Affairs Ministry: a project with a great impact and significant results, designed to offer 3,000 youth, through Interlife Toolkits, work and food security opportunities locally, with vocational training and the start-up of small scale agro-pastoral economic activities.

In a very harsh context of extreme poverty – in which  3/4 of the population between the ages of  16 and 40 does not work or works occasionally due to the lack of education and skills, no access to credit and to the initial resources to start-up their activity -  the only solution seems to be that of leaving everything also risking one’s life. Instead, thanks to the Interlife Toolkits, the unemployed youth will receive specific vocational training on agro-pastoral topics and can thereby start-up an economic activity locally as an alternative to the extreme choice of leaving their homeland in the dangerous search for a better future beyond the African coast.

SoftPhone has chosen to join Interlife and to donate  the large number of 170 Toolkits in favour of 170 families and of more than 850 benefiting persons.  

Specifically, thanks to SoftPhone and to the practical social responsibility of the company, the following have been delivered:

- 1,150 hens and 115 chicken for a total of 115 Poultry Toolkits

- 45 goats, for a total of 15 Goat Toolkits

- 120 sheep, for a total of 40 Sheep Toolkits.

Moreover, SoftPhone has continued its commitment by contributing to an important project also in Burkina Faso with the purpose of guaranteeing community protection and prevention of the exploitation of child labour.

It is not simply a donation, but a gesture of great social responsibility, for which we give our heartfelt thanks to SoftPhone and its directors:
an important action capable of reinvesting in the community, just like Interlife Toolkits,
in a relentless virtuous circle of growth, well-being and development, which we hope will see  SoftPhone and Interlife united for a long time.




Intervento per la sicurezza alimentare e la nutrizione in sostegno alle popolazioni in Costa d'Avorio". 

Dal 2022 SoftPhone ha scelto di sostenere nuovamente Interlife, decidendo di co-finanziare, insieme alla Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, un progetto che ha degli importanti e ambizioni obiettivi di supporto alle popolazioni locali della Costa D'Avorio. ​


Gli obiettivi

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- Garantire sicurezza alimentare ad ogni beneficiario coinvolto

- Promuovere un'idea di agricoltura sostenibile nel tempo

-Stimolare e conciliare le attività dei piccoli produttori del sistema alimentare e dei servizi pubblici di Bouna e Téhini.

-Supportare la creazione di micro-imprese


The expected results

- Support to 50 malnourished children and pregnant mothers at the Community-based Health Centres of Bouna and Téhini

- Creation of 10 sustainable group micro-enterprises and 50 individual ones and a virtuous circle of solidarity to generate a further 10 group micro-enterprises and 50 individual ones

- A total of 200 direct beneficiaries and 1000 indirect beneficiaries

- Introduction of good nutritional practices for children between 6 and 59 months, pregnant women and adults in general, involving more than 4000 people

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