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Interlife collaborates with the Ministry of the Interior in projects in West Africa. After the success of the AMICI project in the Ivory Coast and the launch of 3,000 Interlife Toolkits, Interlife is currently participating as technical partner in the Social Cohesion project for the protection of minors in the Ivory Coast led by CIAI, under the same call of the Ministry of the Interior, for the scaling up of the Toolkit Model in the Ivory Coast.

Find out more about our institutional projects  CLICK HERE


Interlife collaborates with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in projects in West Africa. Interlife has participated as a technical partner in the PICAPS project, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, led by CIAI, for the launch of 1,000 Interlife Toolkits in Burkina Faso benefitting 1,000 mothers and their children at risk of child exploitation.

Find out more about our institutional projects  CLICK HERE


Interlife is listed in the NGOs register at the Embassy of the Ivory Coast in Italy which closely follows the work of the Italian organisations in the country. Interlife was very honoured to host Ambassador Mme Janine Tagliante-Saracino at the event dedicated to Interlife Toolkits which was held at Lombardy Region on 30th May 2019.

To read the speech of the Ambassador  CLICK HERE


The University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, the third oldest university in Italy and fifth among all world universities, founded in 1175, is officially a partner of Interlife Onlus thanks to an agreement signed to welcome its students in training internships, orientation activities and internships.


The largest Catholic University in Europe is a partner of Interlife Onlus, with which it has signed an agreement for internships and traineeships.


The European Master in Business Studies, EMBS, is a prestigious two-year Master in Management. The full-time academic path includes 4 semesters of study in 4 different European countries: Italy, France, Germany and Spain.


Interlife has been collaborating with CIAI (Centro Italiano Aiuti all'Infanzia) since 2016 as a partner in Ministry financed projects in the Ivory Coast and in Burkina Faso, jointly launching more than 4,000 income-generating activities.


Eurasia Business and Economics Society, Interlife has participated in the prestigious international academic conference, presenting an analysis of the results and socio-economic impact of Toolkit projects in Africa and India.


YoRoom ha l’ambizione di diventare una Comunità Socialmente Responsabile, stimolando lo sviluppo di un business sostenibile. Per noi di YoRoom è importante creare una Community di coworker che condivida valori, visioni ed idee in grado di generare un impatto positivo e sostenibile.


Softphone è uno sviluppatore e integratore di sistemi, leader nella realizzazione di Contact Center e specializzato in soluzioni Genesys. Il focus dell'azienda è la realizzazione dell'architettura e nell'implementazione di call center più grandi e sofisticati.


ORGANIZZARE ITALIA partner di Interlife, è la prima e unica azienda che forma all'organizzazione personale. Eroga corsi di formazione ad aziende, scuole e privati, e corsi professionali per diventare professional organizer. Organizzare Italia è Società Benefit e Certified B Corporation®.


Soft Strategy, azienda al 100% italiana, da sempre volge la propria attenzione alla ricerca e alla sperimentazione ed è leader di settore nel management consulting, specializzata nella fornitura di servizi professionali di consulenza alle imprese di medie e grandi dimensioni nei mercati di Telecomunicazioni, Energy & Utilities, Banking, Trasporti e Pubblica Amministrazione.

Nethex, gestisce e ottimizza il Customer Lifecycle delle aziende: dalla lead generation multicanale all’acquisizione, dall’assistenza alle attività di Post Sales fino alla Retention/AntiChurn, supportando la revisione dei processi e garantendo professionalità e coerenza in tutti i touch point.



Toll-free number: 800.964.062

IBAN: IT59N0501801600000011502119 

Your 5x1000 for Interlife Onlus F.C. 07988580960

Postal Order made out to 'Interlife Onlus' on bank account number : 1020009146

Via Pastrengo, 14, 20159, Milan (MI)

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