Staff | Interlife
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Giorgia Gambini, a graduate in Natural Sciences with specialization in biology in France and a master’s in management of Development from the UN and a master’s in project management from nonprofit organizations, has worked as a scientific researcher for a few universities in Australia. In Africa, she has worked in the field of international cooperation, sustainable development and responsible tourism. In Italy, she is president of Interlife. She has collaborated in the field of design with one of the main Italian NGOs involved in international cooperation and with the United Nations system in the field of Fund-Raising and training.

The experience of international cooperation is added to other experiences abroad both in the humanitarian field and in the conservation and enhancement of environmental biodiversity (EU, China, Uzbekistan, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Kenya, Congo, Egypt, New Zealand, Australia). She gives lectures on design and quality system (Universities, associations, social enterprises). 

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Graduated in "International Cooperation and Development Policies" and with a MASTERS from MAE in "Local Human Development and Cooperation", Cecilia worked at the UN agency dedicated to development, UNDP.

She has gained direct experience in participatory work with communities and has collaborated with various organizations and associations in Africa and Central America, in community health projects, child protection, respect for human rights, reduction of environmental vulnerability and promotion of small income-generating activities.

It is precisely because of the growing interest in social entrepreneurship applied to contexts of extreme poverty, and the meeting of the needs of Interlife's beneficiary communities, that it has designed and is developing the Toolkit model in close collaboration with all Interlife Onlus staff in Italy and abroad. She is currently engaged in Italy in activities of social planning, fight against poverty, intercultural mediation and social communication. 

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After eight years as f2f coordinator for Southern Italy, with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, in 2015 Francesca decided to move to Interlife; a smaller but extremely cohesive and innovative company; where there is an air of transparency and the work characterized by great sinergy and mutual cooperation.

Her gut feeling proves to be right; many and different are the goals achieved so far and the lives of children, women and men, saved! For Interlife, she is in charge of Corporate, Foundations and Major Donors. 



After years of experience in profit as Social Media and Project Manager, in the field of web and communication and always active in the social field, in 2022 Ada meets Interlife whose values and projects she embraces. To date, she deals with the management of Interlife's social channels, the conception, creation and promotion of valuable content for the dissemination of those values and projects and the management of the website.




Emanuele is a business consultant and international lawyer. He has in fact lived in several European countries (Spain, Holland, Belgium and Russia) and is currently divided between the United States, Italy and China where he is also a professor and researcher at prestigious universities. In addition to the more managerial and legal issues, he has long since combined an interest in the field of corporate social responsibility, ethics, and with his work of consulting, research and teaching, he actively promotes within companies Stakeholderism and the value of economic choices with positive impact for society as a whole and in the long term. In this area, he is an expert in the most advanced disciplines of value creation, including CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), TBL (Triple Bottom Line), ESG (Environmental, Social and governance), SBSC (Sustainable balance scorecard), Social Licence, SRI (Socially responsible Investing), Benefit Corporation and its Italian declination of the company benefit).

Finally, over the years he has collaborated with numerous non-profit organizations in educational and social projects both in Italy and China and Interlife supports the management of CSR plans and synergies with companies that collaborate in Interlife's development projects around the world.

Emanuele is an incurable optimist and firmly believes in the possibility of a better and fairer world.


Journalist, writer, sociologist, university lecturer, editor and jurist, Onelio Onofrio Francioso is Counselor and Strategic Advisor for Interlife Onlus.

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Philanthropic consultancy company, founded by Sabrina Ribaudo and Danilo Bucchieri, focused on supporting holistic, long-term projects and programmes in some of the world’s poorest communities, helping people to build better futures, for themselves and their families,  make real and lasting changes in their lives, break the cycle of poverty, take control of their own futures.

Moves Raising collaborates with Interlife in the following areas:

- design and propose programs and projects to major donors,

- management control and analytical reporting.

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